Sunday, October 19, 2008

Influence of mass media in society

In a typically urbanised area such as Singapore, a normal person wakes up, check the television news or newspaper first thing, goes to work, make a few phone calls, and makes his/her decisions based on information that he/she has gleaned from their friends, co-workers, news, television or financial reports.

Out of all the media that have been invented, television has been the most influential of all. We are constantly exposed to thousands of images of violence, sex, advertisements, celebrities and many other more. According to research, a child is exposed to 40, 000 ads a year. What about teenagers? What do the mass media do to the teenagers today?

Teenagers buy what they see on television, what their favorite celebrity advertise and think that what is acceptable to society based on fashion that the media has imposed is also acceptable for them. Yes, there are negative and positive influences by the television.

The media has a positive influence in one instant; if there is a particular sport that is getting a lot of attention from the media, and gains popularity among your friends and society, you will want to practice this sport and be cool in front of your peers. The end result is that you will have fun with your friends and be healthy at the same time.

Negatively, there are many celebrities who are taking cigars, adding to the 'cool' image that teenagers are so obsessed with. The constant exposure of sex images, excessive violence and exposure to numerous junk food ads are negative influences too.

Teenagers are in the stage of their lives where they want to be seen as successful and be loved. Above all, they want to be accepted by their peers. They feel that the media has created an ideal image of beautiful men and women, with their characteristics of a successful person. It is a subliminal way to tell teenagers that they are not up to the media's standards because they did not buy the products that make the celebrities look beautiful. Take models for example, only those who are extremely thin may be up on stage, or be seen advertising products on television. These teenagers will then be obsessed with going on diet and engage in eating disorders which lead to severe health issues and even death in order to look as thin and 'beautiful' as the models.

Is it worth you life just to live up to the media's image on what is considered beautiful or popular?

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Culture is inherent to everyone, and culture influences an individual in everything he does; from his perception or interpretation of reality to the language or to his sense of self. Take the popular singer Jay Chou (JC) for instance. His music is predominantly influenced by the Chinese culture. However, other cultures or styles such as classical music and rap still influences his songs. But all of his songs still contain the Chinese style.

At the same time, he exerts an enormous influence on popular culture as well, in Asian countries as well as Non-Asian countries, selling several million copies everytime his album debuts, and being recognized with hundreds of awards. JC's albums are one of the few Asia-media products to be distributed outside of Asia because there is a great demand for his songs in Non-Asian countries like the US.

JC's music is a form of low context culture because he uses lyrics in his songs to express himself, to clarify and influence. Every album of JC has at least 1 Chinese style in it. For example, the song 'ju hua tai' (菊花台)('Chrysanthemum Terrace') is distinctly Chinese. It incorporates the Chinese traditional instruments such as the yang qin with the western instruments like the violin. Some songs which are oriental in style is accuentauted by the pentatonic scale as opposed to the diatonic scale. Besides his own culture, JC also incorporates the Spanish guitar in 'hong muo fang' (紅模仿)('Red Imitation') and American techno in 'ben cao gang mu' (本草綱目)('Herbalist's Manual'), to name a few. These songs are examples of the influences culture has made on him.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Communication in the workplace

Communication is a part of our daily life. Wherever you go, whomever you may be with, communication is the key to a successful relationship. In this case, it is communication in the workplace. Whether you make a deep impression or no impression on your superiors at all largely depends on your communication with your boss and your colleagues.

I recently read an article in a magazine titled "Why aren't you the boss?" It emphasizes that relationships and communication in the workplace are the key to working one's way to the top.

First, bonding with the boss (relationship) is a good way to start. You have to interact and forge a more personal (friendly) relationship with the boss. This allows for a building of trust and lets him or her understand the way you work (your strong points and talents), making it easier to attribute credit to you when it is due.

Second, bonding with your colleagues is also a stepping stone. Be the first to lend a helping hand when your colleagues are in need. This is to ensure that when you need the favor to be returned, the chances are high that your colleagues will help you. Also, you will be seen as the dependable person that all your colleagues will turn to you for whenever they need help or advice. This will increase your chances to be recommended for a promotion (because your colleagues can't do without you!).

Next, we have the communication that is extremely vital. The art of persuasion is very hard to master, but if you know the right way and technique, it will do you good. If you recommend yourself for the promotion, don't show your boss everything you have done and the hours you have put in for the company. Instead, show your boss how you have value-add to the company.

Also, during a meeting, show your boss that you have leadership skills by stating or finding out the purpose of the meeting, the points your boss will want to hear and the summary of your presentation.

When all is said and done, communication and relationships are very important to the workplace, because it is where the company as a whole is successful or not. What makes a company a multi-international corporation (MNC) and what makes companies fall? It is the very art of communication. Of course, there are other factors that lead to the success and failures of companies. However, don't you agree that communication is the very heart and centre of the success?