Friday, September 26, 2008





WOW (World of Warcraft)

Does all these names and images sound familiar to you? Then you are most probably a gamer, or you keep yourself updated on the latest games.

Do you need to play these kind of games everyday so that you will not feel deprived? Are you one of those people who cannot get unstuck from the computer once you are started on a game? BEWARE! You are rapidly becoming a game addict, or already one!

Getting addicted to online games are fast becoming a major issue for the distancing of oneself from loved ones. For instance, many teenagers (mostly boys) are addicted to online gaming. They would closet themselves in their rooms for long hours; not coming out to eat lunch or dinner, not even to sleep, not to talk to their parents, siblings, or friends, and not even to go out to have fun. They live and breathe gaming. In time to come, it may have adverse effects; not only for the individual, but for their loved ones as well.

Recently, there was a newspaper article where a secondary school boy was practically glued to his computer once he came home from school to play WOW. He had a character in this particular game and the character "died" when the boy fought the character with other characters in the game. He could not seem to get over the knowledge that his character had "died" (as the newspaper indicated), and so he jumped off the building in his own home. His parents and girlfriend were devasted by this sudden loss of a loved one. What will you do if one of your close friends or family member committed suicide because of a failure in gaming?

I personally feel that gaming as the name suggests, is in itself a game; that is; it is not to be taken seriously. It is good and relaxing for small doses, and not long hours everyday. Not communicating with friends or family is a sign of becoming addicted to the game. If there is anything an individual is unhappy about, whether it is something as inconsequential that his character in the game had "died", it would make the individual feel a lot better if he talked with his loved ones. That way, the individual will not entertain any thoughts of committing suicide or anything that will harm himself and his loved ones.

The question we have now is: Is gaming an entertainment to relax oneself or a tool to stressing oneself?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gay marriage?

Gay marriage. What comes to your mind when you see these two words linked together? Disgust? Awe? Wonder? Should a woman marry a woman? Should a man marry a man? Are you against it because it is not a norm in your culture?

Many gays are slowly owning up to their sexuality; embracing it, in fact. Walking on the streets these days, one look at a person and you can differentiate the heterosexuals and the homosexuals by the way they dress(Objectics: personal objects). If you see two members of the same sex walking quite closely together(Proxemics), their manner a little intimate ~ ahh, then you will have absolutely no doubt that they are 'going steady.' (the local words for being in a relationship together)

However, embracing their true sexuality is one thing, having it legalised into a marriage is another. Why is it illegal and frowned upon still in so many parts of the world? In my opinion, it is absurd and cruel to deny two men or two women the desire to marry one another. It is the same as denying two people of different races the right to marry. Is not marriage the "pursuit of happiness"; the beginning of a new life with your loved one? Then why is the law in most countries denying these people the right to enjoy legal priveleges accorded to marriage of people of the opposite sex?

Because of their sexual identity, they are being ostracised by others. For instance, some parents simple could not take fact that their son or daughter is gay, and disowned them; the family court denying them child custody rights; getting fired from their job because coworkers feel 'uncomfortable' about him or her. Is this the right way to judge a person, regardless of his or her competency? But will denying them the right to marry change their sexual identity?

I personally feel that a marriage, no matter gay or not, should not be decided by the court of law, where only several individuals have the right to decide the fate of millions of ordinary citizens who simply want the freedom to love, cherish and legally commit to whomever they choose.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

With this tattoo, I thee wed

Link to article:

I recently read an article from the NYTimes dated 12 September, 2008. As the title suggests, wedding rings are replaced by tattoo rings. It may be the names of their spouses or a symbol of their love for each other.

This article speaks of the rising number of people; especially celebrities; getting their ring fingers tattooed instead of wearing a wedding band and also of the journalist's own experience in getting a ring tattoo.

Celebrities such as Tommy Lee, Pamela Anderson, Levi Johnston and Ashlee Simpson,among many others has permanent wedding "bands" has set a micro-trend. However, just because the celebrities are doing it, does that mean that we ordinary people have to follow this fashion too; to appear trendy? Should we not consider that tattooing; no matter how small or how slight the design is going to be, will having adverse effects to those with skin sensitivity, not to mention that if you get divorced or annulled your marriage, you have to see about getting that tattoo off with laser that may cause permanent scarring on your skin? Are we just idols of the theater then; following fashion uncritically?

According to the journalist himself, he cannot wear a wedding band because he was allergic to it; as he had discovered in his previous marriage. However, his intended wanted him to wear one because she did not want him to be unfaithful. His fiancee wanted other women to know that he was a married man. (Organizational principles: similarity)

In order to honor his wedding vows, he decided to tattoo his intended's(now wife) name on his ring finger right after their honeymoon. This action caused a major shock for both sides of the family; his wife's and his. His wife's English relatives were appalled; perhaps due to the English being more conservative, thus their interpretation on this news. His wife's friends, however, found it romantic while his own daughters, from his previous marriage, found it disgusting. Apparently to them, it is unheard of to find that their parent whom they respect and look up to getting a tattoo at the age of 52.

What will people think when they see a tattoo on your person, regardless of where it is or what it represents? Will they ostracize you? Labeling you as one of the gangsters or rebels? Perhaps it is common in America, but if you decide to follow fashion and get it inked onto your ring finger here in Singapore, what will Singaporeans think of you? Have we embraced the culture of tattooing here? Is tattooing cool or stupid? I leave you to decide.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hana Yori Dango the Movie

this video is adapted from (NO english subs)

Hana Yori Dango the movie is the finale of the hugely popularized drama adaptation of the original hit manga series by Yoko Kamio. This movie is based on a girl called Makino Tsukushi, who comes from a lower-middle class family, attends Eitoku Academy, an elite school which caters to children of the rich, upper-crust of society in Japan. The school is ruled by F4, four boys whose parents contributed the most money, and in turn, they are given free rein in school. Sparks ignite when Domyouji Tsukasa, leader of F4 takes an interest in Makino, because she is the only girl in school who does not bow down to him. After facing many obstacles, both characters are finally together. The finale is centered on a major incident that the five main characters (Makino, F4) become involved in, whilst depicting the ups and downs of the relationship between Makino and Domyouji.

In my opinion, the plot was a little unbelievable. Based on the heirloom called “Venus Smile” where there were four priceless jewels on the tiara, Makino and Domyouji were tested on their mutual trust and bonds of each other. The style and delivery of the speech were at most times informal; sometimes meant to please, persuade and scold, depending on the situation. At several times in the film, Makino or other members of F4 was instructing Domyouji on his use of language because of his bad puns and poor use of Japanese language. In this film, the vigorous style (based on pathos) was used because it was eloquent and emotional. Persuasive appeal of one’s character or credibility was also applied; in the case of Makino accusing Hanazawa Rui (one of the members of F4) to be in cahoots with the burglar who stole the heirloom because she had seen the former conversing and even shaking hands with the burglar. Idols of the cave where special allegiance to discipline was addressed when Domyouji wanted to bet $50 million in order to raise money to get back the heirloom, while Makino; because of her upbringing, wanted to play it safe and bet in small amounts, so they would not lose everything at one go.

In the end, Makino and Domyouji found out that the other members of the F4 and their parents were in cahoots all along, and that there was no such family heirloom. They just wanted to make sure that Makino and Domyouji would not have doubts about their marriage, through the obstacles that were decreed for them. In order to overcome all this, they discovered that they needed to trust mutually; because love would not be enough, strengthen their bonds, depend on each other’s strengths and dispel any miscommunication that existed between each other. Above all, the film also deepens the friendship bond between the members of F4 and Makino.