Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gay marriage?

Gay marriage. What comes to your mind when you see these two words linked together? Disgust? Awe? Wonder? Should a woman marry a woman? Should a man marry a man? Are you against it because it is not a norm in your culture?

Many gays are slowly owning up to their sexuality; embracing it, in fact. Walking on the streets these days, one look at a person and you can differentiate the heterosexuals and the homosexuals by the way they dress(Objectics: personal objects). If you see two members of the same sex walking quite closely together(Proxemics), their manner a little intimate ~ ahh, then you will have absolutely no doubt that they are 'going steady.' (the local words for being in a relationship together)

However, embracing their true sexuality is one thing, having it legalised into a marriage is another. Why is it illegal and frowned upon still in so many parts of the world? In my opinion, it is absurd and cruel to deny two men or two women the desire to marry one another. It is the same as denying two people of different races the right to marry. Is not marriage the "pursuit of happiness"; the beginning of a new life with your loved one? Then why is the law in most countries denying these people the right to enjoy legal priveleges accorded to marriage of people of the opposite sex?

Because of their sexual identity, they are being ostracised by others. For instance, some parents simple could not take fact that their son or daughter is gay, and disowned them; the family court denying them child custody rights; getting fired from their job because coworkers feel 'uncomfortable' about him or her. Is this the right way to judge a person, regardless of his or her competency? But will denying them the right to marry change their sexual identity?

I personally feel that a marriage, no matter gay or not, should not be decided by the court of law, where only several individuals have the right to decide the fate of millions of ordinary citizens who simply want the freedom to love, cherish and legally commit to whomever they choose.


kyun said...


This reminds me of the section 377a issue in Singapore. Reading through the website made me burst a few blood vessels. It was obvious how so many people have such horribly distorted misconception about gays. Gays are just people who have different sexual orientation than us. That is all. They are not about to force you to watch them as they embrace each other and...other things.

Ignorance is the one thing that plagues and affects judgement. If they are willing to find out more about them, and not base their perception based on the few supposedly gay friends they have, they will find out that gays are not so different from us after all.

Jo said...

haha hey! sort of the same topic as me!

anyway, i do get rather irritated/ passionate when talking about this topic. Sometimes, it's not even just about gays. It's about anything or anyone that differ from what society deems is the norm.

Guys who like guys, girls who like girls. How bad is that! They're not killing anyone, they're no inconvenience in any way. So what problem is there! Is there even a NEED to have a law in place to restrict someone's natural instinct/feelings? (ok, at this point i usually get someone who'll start quoting the bible or start telling me about religion and blah blah blah)

I'm not sure if anyone here will say outright that they are against gays and stuff like that.

I think though, that what i hate most is people who claim they are accepting, but yet in actualy fact, they aren't. Or better yet, if you can accept a friend, i think you damn well accept the community cos whether we like it or not, they won't be going away anytime soon.

myLIFErawksON said...

To begin with, being gay or lesbian or whatever you call them, those whom many regard as being not very normal in sexuality, isn't a wrong or a crime or whatsoever. it is not even their 'fault', it is just ignorance that make many, if not most, think gays are 'freaky'. gays are human too, hence they should be regarded as normal beings, because they really are. however, it is quite obvious through the stares of many if not most singaporeans that gays are not yet accepted. Acceptance is the first step to building a better society. i hope very soon everyone will learn to accept these people into the society that they be treated more fairly in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Miss Koh decided to post another article on marriage again!!! Last week was tattoo ring and this week is about GAY MARRIAGE.Hmmm... What are you thinking of Miss Koh???

Anyway, I think I am addicted to commenting on my dear friend's blog! It is really interesting to read about other people's comment and at the same time, able to voice out my own! AND MISS KOH'S ARTICLES REALLY WERE ALWAYS DAMN INTERESTING AND COOL! But then HOR, Miss Koh told me must write in PERFECT ENGLISH because she said the blog is graded. BUT ISN'T CREATING A BLOG ABOUT WRITING WHATEVER YOU WANT DOWN, why make it so strict??? Personally, i felt a bit fake and thus a bit uncomfortable when I am forced to write in a PERFECT WAY and really have no freedom to write in a style that i like that can emphasize my viewpoints. ISN'T BLOG A SITE FOR YOU TO EXPRESS OUT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO TELL WITH NO RESTRICTIONS? (But of course, no rude and hurtful remarks please.)

(Anyway, back to the topic of gay marriage.)ISN'T THIS LIKE THE FOREVER CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC THAT SEEMS TO HAVE INFINTE FRUITLESS DISCUSSIONS? There are so many differing views and i really don't know which to accept and which to discard.

It seems like there is a rising trend of people beoming gays and lesbians. WHY WHY WHY??? Based in Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, only species with selective advantage can grow and reproduce and increase their population. BUT ISN'T GAYS/LESBIANS SELECTIVE DISADVANTAGE SPEICIES OF THE SOCIETY? THEN HOW CAN THEY INCREASE THEIR POPULATIONS??? Anyway, my bottom line is that influences by others in your life play an important role in determining your preference by men or women. I truely believe it is the kind of people you interact with that changes your perception.

I was from a girl's school and in the past, I admit I was turned off by gays and lesbians. I always wonder how can people actually love and like people of the same sex. What do they really see in these people of the same sex???

As i proceed with higher levels of education, I began to have friends who are bisexuals and lesbians.And as I get to know them more, I began to accept this kind of "not straight" culture.

I think the main problem when we talk about gay marriage is HOW DO THEY LEAD LIFE AFTER THAT? You set up a family??? "Have babies"??? The truth is that these people's family life would be remarkably different from others.

As a biological student, one of the concerns I have towards gay marriage is the increase chances of sexual diseases when these people engage in intercourse. IT IS A LIFE RISK! But of course, one can argue and say that these people can choose to lead a sex-free life. BUT UMMM... POSSIBLE GIVEN THE FACT THAT YOU ARE ALREADY MARRIED???

Anyway, I don't think this issue of gay marriage will EVER BE RESOLVED as long as such think called TRADITION AND CULTURES stay in our society. There is only room for either. So it is up to you to choose.

We all know one. said...

This is another common but yet unresolved topic but since typing is free, and blogging is about your straight-forward, no-holds-barred comments.

Let us not restrain ourselves and give our most frank assessment.

I liken gay/lesbian marriage to writing a blog. A guy/girl going out with the same sex may seem normal until they're spotted holding hands. This is the same as writting something offensive on the blog and you get flamed and subsequently recieve a summons to court.

And as winkzpinkz said, Charles Darwin thinks that 'only species with selective advantage can grow and reproduce and increase their population'. And if he was still alive for a moment, he would have choked on his words and died immediately. (R.I.P., Charles)

We can't say that some people are being traditional or simply "dinosaurs" for not accepting gays/lesbians. It is a fact that the majority is against same-sex marriage, or partners in that case. It is simply not a social norm. As clear as crystal.

A decade ago we had the Power Rangers, Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys. We're fighting against fictional monsters and screaming for girl power and gushing over Nick Carter.

Now we've "EMO Girl", Disney's High School Musical and their alumni of drug-taking, chain-smoking, body-parts exposing "celebrities" like Britney Spears Lindsey Lohan and "that's Hot-Paris Hilton". What we are fighting over now is more tattoos, piercings, goth, terrorism and of course the gay/lesbian issue. But have we ever asked why do all his things happen ONLY today?

Why did Brat Pitt recently donated to a cause for gay/lesbain acceptance only now? Was he poor and scared before? Why do we have more reports on kidnappings, rapes, paedophilia, murders and bombings?

Has the advancement of media changed the way we percieved? Back then in my time there was only PG and R21 ratings in movies. Now there're G, NC-16, M-18, R-21. But the fact doesn't change that we're born of flesh and blood, and by flesh and blood I mean that we're concieved through our fathers and mothers, not mother and mother or father and father.

We all grew up watching Dad bringing Mom and child to the picnic, to the seaside, to the amusement parks, etc.

People who are addicts, gay/lesbian, or anything that is percieved to be different are often ostracized, and neglected, have 'dark' pasts or horrible traumas that make them vengeful, sometimes feeling that they're misfits in society.

It is a statistical fact that children tend to follow traits and patterns of their parents, and have a higher chance that they'll lead the same path as them. So... a child of a father and father?
can you imagine the trauma and pressure they have to undertake of having 2 same-sex parents, and not to mentioned not being biologically related? Ans kids nowadays already have to bear the brunt of stiff competition (from peers), growing up too fast, and we still want to pile on more pressure with social issues?

And so are these the reasons why gays/lesbians go "wayward"?

To me the answer is no. Personally i'm not too bothered (as long as i'm not bothered), but I'll admit i'm deeply concerned with humandkind and their "power of free will".

I feel that the lack of nurture, societal pressure (monkey see, monkey do)(MAIN REASON), the urge to "break free", the lack of natural instinct, and a little anomaly in our genes (due to the food we eat, is it truly safe?) are the real reasons gays/lesbians turn "wayward".

*And if people fight for gays/lesbians, why nobody fights for addicts and murderers?* (is there some narrow perception here?)

i'll give my final say, that if the number of such people are small I can accept it, as no one can "control one's TRUE desire" but if the number escalates then it is certainly a monumental tragedy for mankind. I feel for Charles.

ps: And no it is not about following social norm (please don't blame it) but it is about the SELF, and your capability to fight external influences.

"You are only as strong as you want to be"