Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hana Yori Dango the Movie

this video is adapted from (NO english subs)

Hana Yori Dango the movie is the finale of the hugely popularized drama adaptation of the original hit manga series by Yoko Kamio. This movie is based on a girl called Makino Tsukushi, who comes from a lower-middle class family, attends Eitoku Academy, an elite school which caters to children of the rich, upper-crust of society in Japan. The school is ruled by F4, four boys whose parents contributed the most money, and in turn, they are given free rein in school. Sparks ignite when Domyouji Tsukasa, leader of F4 takes an interest in Makino, because she is the only girl in school who does not bow down to him. After facing many obstacles, both characters are finally together. The finale is centered on a major incident that the five main characters (Makino, F4) become involved in, whilst depicting the ups and downs of the relationship between Makino and Domyouji.

In my opinion, the plot was a little unbelievable. Based on the heirloom called “Venus Smile” where there were four priceless jewels on the tiara, Makino and Domyouji were tested on their mutual trust and bonds of each other. The style and delivery of the speech were at most times informal; sometimes meant to please, persuade and scold, depending on the situation. At several times in the film, Makino or other members of F4 was instructing Domyouji on his use of language because of his bad puns and poor use of Japanese language. In this film, the vigorous style (based on pathos) was used because it was eloquent and emotional. Persuasive appeal of one’s character or credibility was also applied; in the case of Makino accusing Hanazawa Rui (one of the members of F4) to be in cahoots with the burglar who stole the heirloom because she had seen the former conversing and even shaking hands with the burglar. Idols of the cave where special allegiance to discipline was addressed when Domyouji wanted to bet $50 million in order to raise money to get back the heirloom, while Makino; because of her upbringing, wanted to play it safe and bet in small amounts, so they would not lose everything at one go.

In the end, Makino and Domyouji found out that the other members of the F4 and their parents were in cahoots all along, and that there was no such family heirloom. They just wanted to make sure that Makino and Domyouji would not have doubts about their marriage, through the obstacles that were decreed for them. In order to overcome all this, they discovered that they needed to trust mutually; because love would not be enough, strengthen their bonds, depend on each other’s strengths and dispel any miscommunication that existed between each other. Above all, the film also deepens the friendship bond between the members of F4 and Makino.


Anonymous said...

I agree that mutual trust is very important in a relationship. If a couple got married and still have doubts on each other, they probably won't live a happy and peaceful life.

myLIFErawksON said...

Hana Yori Dango is quite a good movie, though its plot can be indicated as being contrived due to the situations all easily fitted like a jigsaw puzzle. But overall, it is an entertaining movie which teaches us that committing into a relationship requires all sorts of obstacles getting-pass.

-jian- said...

I would agree that mutual trust is very important in relationship and the way the couple was being tested indeed display true love and perseverance but how many would be able to be tested in such a way? Would it seem that this whole movie is just a fantasy portraying the invert of life? Or maybe it is a route which all gold-spoons should work towards finding true love? Being a normal citizen who is able to pass life day by day with little ambition, I would take this show plainly a show which will pass time and will not place deeper thoughts in the unrealistic life which I am unable to obtain at my current status.

kyun said...

I had never watched the Taiwanese/Japanese/Anime version of this show before so it might be a little tough for me to comment on the I'll try to comment depending on how much I have heard about the movie.

Anyway, it is obvious that Makino and Domyouji do not share similar backgrounds. Domyouji comes from a rich family; on the other hand Makino's family is somewhat humble. You can tell this shaped the different ways they do things: Domyouji wanted to bet $50 million whereas Makino would only bet in smaller amounts, to get back the family heirloom. The way they communicate seems a little different too: Domyouji can be a little arrogant at times, but Makino, because of the way she was brought up, is more humble and able to defend herself.

Yet, it is amazing (at least to me) how both can be attracted to each other.

(By the way, some shameless advertising: please comment on my blog! Thanks! :) )

Jo said...

I like the show! haha

The way they communicate, it is really the epitome of the saying of how opposites attract.

I don't approve of how his friends and family sought to test their love and trust, but it was ultimately for the best. And to have such friends care so deeply for you is in fact a blessing.

(ps. leave comments for me! leave comments for me! =D)

Christina Pan said...

I love this story! haha. I remember watching the animation version many years back. As they say, "opposites attract" and it is proven in this story. Both characters, coming from different backgrounds and statuses, have each their own distinct lingo and upbringing. It is amazing how they can communicate with each other and prove that love can overcome all obstacles. The story conveys the emotions very well, although it may seem far-fetched at times, it is like a fantasy that all of us would like to be a part of.

CaLaMaRi said...

mutual trust.. something that most couples do not have nowadays. That's why they all have actions of checking the other's party mobile etc. But what about those that cheated on their partner regardless the reason? Everything comes 2 sided. Before pointing fingers at others take a good look at yourself.