Saturday, September 13, 2008

With this tattoo, I thee wed

Link to article:

I recently read an article from the NYTimes dated 12 September, 2008. As the title suggests, wedding rings are replaced by tattoo rings. It may be the names of their spouses or a symbol of their love for each other.

This article speaks of the rising number of people; especially celebrities; getting their ring fingers tattooed instead of wearing a wedding band and also of the journalist's own experience in getting a ring tattoo.

Celebrities such as Tommy Lee, Pamela Anderson, Levi Johnston and Ashlee Simpson,among many others has permanent wedding "bands" has set a micro-trend. However, just because the celebrities are doing it, does that mean that we ordinary people have to follow this fashion too; to appear trendy? Should we not consider that tattooing; no matter how small or how slight the design is going to be, will having adverse effects to those with skin sensitivity, not to mention that if you get divorced or annulled your marriage, you have to see about getting that tattoo off with laser that may cause permanent scarring on your skin? Are we just idols of the theater then; following fashion uncritically?

According to the journalist himself, he cannot wear a wedding band because he was allergic to it; as he had discovered in his previous marriage. However, his intended wanted him to wear one because she did not want him to be unfaithful. His fiancee wanted other women to know that he was a married man. (Organizational principles: similarity)

In order to honor his wedding vows, he decided to tattoo his intended's(now wife) name on his ring finger right after their honeymoon. This action caused a major shock for both sides of the family; his wife's and his. His wife's English relatives were appalled; perhaps due to the English being more conservative, thus their interpretation on this news. His wife's friends, however, found it romantic while his own daughters, from his previous marriage, found it disgusting. Apparently to them, it is unheard of to find that their parent whom they respect and look up to getting a tattoo at the age of 52.

What will people think when they see a tattoo on your person, regardless of where it is or what it represents? Will they ostracize you? Labeling you as one of the gangsters or rebels? Perhaps it is common in America, but if you decide to follow fashion and get it inked onto your ring finger here in Singapore, what will Singaporeans think of you? Have we embraced the culture of tattooing here? Is tattooing cool or stupid? I leave you to decide.


Xientist said...

Hmm, I've always been stereotyped towards people with tattoos typically because in Singapore, where we associate tattoos with gangsterism and sort.

That said, this is quite a creative way to seal your vows permanently! You don't have to splurge so much on wedding rings and I bet your spouse would love it as it definitely shows your faithfulness by bringing a piece of her around. hahAh!

COM 125 Class B said...

i think tattoo rings are an awesome idea! they've got a lot over real rings:

1) they're cheaper (in the long run)

2) they can't get lost / stolen

3) they fit even when you and your fingers grow fatter

4) they're permanent. adds more uhm longetivity to the marriage hahaha XD

kyun said...

Hahaha this is a great idea! I mean it is like having a wedding ring permenantly imprinted on your finger. Aren't marriages supposed to last forever anyway?

Haha, but the marriage ends up in divorce, then it is going to be a little tricky removing that tattoo ring on the ring finger. Like how Pamela Anderson always find a new husband every few months. Personally I think it is a great and cool idea, and if you are sure that you want a tattoo on your finger, it's really up to your own preference more than anything.

Anonymous said...

Well, I personally find that it is kinda ridiculous to use tattoos as an alternative.

The reason is because most couple these days usually don't stay married that long and what would they do if they have to get divorced? Oh man, I dont know although I'm for with the long live marriage! (and i wish i had one in the future) but still by using the rings to symbolize the marriage is the best and romantic way that should not be changed anymore.


myLIFErawksON said...

Tattoo art is actually a very fine and so-called personal art due to views from different perspectives, some think it's a form of fine abstract art while others think it is just a symbolism of 'gangs'. personally i treat it as a form of art whereby one can express himself freely. Henceforth, i do not object the 'permanent ring' although i am not sure if it may be a bit ridiculous as relationships do alter, unless one wants to be 'fashionized'.

Anonymous said...

When I came across this blog, i was amazed! This is a really an unqiue and excellent way to grade your student for the module! Perhaps this is a communication module, so writing a blog as part of the module might be normal. Anyway, i am studying in this communaication-unrelated module and guess what, i am also forced to write weblogs each week and i have to admit that I really hate it! So I have to salute my fellow friend for coming up with excellent stories to write each week while I have to crack my brain and think of something interesting to write! Anyway, keep up this excellent system!

TATTOOS??? If i see someone with it, my first impression would be :another of the "Ah Beng" and "Ah Lian" on the stretch of night pubs and clubs. (I would like to emphasize on the word FIRST IMPRESSION. And i am not saying all those who clubbed and pubbed are the "Lian" and "Beng".)Anyway, if I had not read that article and see someone with a tattooed ring on her/his finger, I will probably think the person is just making a joke out of himself or trying to be too cool! (to be true.) I believe that there are many out there who had yet to come across this article. Imagine you are one of them and one day see someone with a tattooed ring on the finger... HUH RIGHT?

Anyway, now that i read this article... I guess that it is a very interesting way to pledge each other's love. BUT WOULDN'T IT BE SUPER PAIN??? Anyway, the fact that your fingers are one of the most bony part of your body and can you imagine the needle coming in so close contact with your bones. OH MY GOODNESS! Haha, but didn't everyone say that love has no boundaries and that you will do everything for a person, including having to tolerate pain in order to be happily ever after?

BUT WHY TATTOO? CANNOT WEAR NECKLACE INSTEAD OF RING MEH? Then this leads to another question from me: Why must it be a ring and not something else to pledge your love? And why can't i put the ring on my necklace and wear it??? Isn't it the same? i am also wearing the ring! So are traditions meant to be kept or broken???

Jo said...

i really like the idea of tattoo rings. Isn't it more of a commitment that way? it's imprinted onto your skin, unlike expensive EXPENSIVE rings that may come and go.

In this way, people will take marriage more seriously, after all, removing it will take and cause pain.

However, if you think about, it's probably because of these very reasons that tattoo rings haven't caught on amongst the majority. After all, diamonds are a girl's best friend..

Anonymous said...

helloo yuanlin! amelia here :)

i personally do not really like the idea of huge huge tattoos.. unless we're talking about miami ink/LA ink.

but surprsingly i think tattoo rings are cool and sweet!
well if the older generation objects to it.. well erm it's too late innit, the tattoos are already done.
oh but if they really really object to it, we could always request for traditional rings as well!
diamonds are a girl's best friend - won't hurt to get a tattoo-ed ring AND a diamond ring for your big day!
